Public Art

annual surveyresearch undertaken by the Department for Communities and Local Government found that public art was one of the most common planning obligations agreed between developers and local planning authorities.

In general, the public art policies, strategies and supplementary planning guidance/documents associated with Local Development Frameworks and Local Plans state that public art promotes and supports:

  • the economic development of places, by contributing to re-branding and attracting tourists;
  • the environmental development of places, by enhancing the design of the built environment; and
  • the social development of places, by enabling people to celebrate and/or investigate local identity and/or local issues.

Planning considerations

Sources of further information

ixiaup-to-date information about the relationship between public art and various aspects of the planning system and process, including: the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF); local development frameworks/local plans; supplementary planning documents; the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL); and planning obligations.

Public Art Online, which is owned and managed by ixia, contains case studies, advice, guidance, examples of public art policies and strategies and the contact details for public art expertise.

Arts Council England

Key reference

. Webpage. ixia public art think tank



Public Art as a PDF