The Campus, Weston-super-Mare


  • The Campus is a flagship building for North Somerset Council. Located in the new community in Weston-super-Mare
  • The building has enabled the Council to bring together a wide range of services including a sports and leisure centre; public library; community meeting spaces; community learning; conference venue; extended school provision and Council Connect services


  • Both schools opened in September 2004 followed by Community areas in November 2004. The Campus was officially opened by The Princess Royal in October 2005


  • As the new development of Locking Castle grew on the outskirts of Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset Council faced the challenge of how to cater for the needs of this community. Various resources were available for a variety of services including sports fields, a public library and primary school but none had been progressed
  • In 2001 the council decided to bring all of these and some additional services underneath one umbrella facility
  • The facility was The Campus, which opened in 2005


  • Since opening the Library has signed up more than 4000 new members
  • A recent survey of users showed that 94% of users are either satisfied or very satisfied with The Campus overall

Following its opening the building has also received several awards including:

  • Royal Institute of British Architecture (RIBA) Wessex Region Winner 2006
  • Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE) Festive Five Award 2006
  • Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) (South West Region) Community Benefit Category 2006
  • Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (National Award) Community Benefit Category



Paul Hillman

Tel: 01934 427427

Fax: 01934 427323

Email: [email protected]