Corby Cube

Project Description

Aims and Objectives

Corby Cube is designed to be a key hub of cultural and leisure activity at the centre of the town. As well as being a new civic building, the Cube project includes developing high quality public open space with the vicinity benefiting from the multi-million pound regeneration.

  • Lifts the  standard of the built environment
  • Provides an exemplar of design excellence
  • Activates town centre public open space
  • Regenerates an area of derelict land

Project Duration

Building work on the theatre began in May 2003, was completed in January 2004, and the garden finished a year later.

Project Start Date and End Date

Start of build programme:  January 2008
Forecast end build programme:  September 2010

Services Offered

Corby Cube is both a civic centre and a venue for public In terms of its Council function, the Cube is home to:

  • Council Cashiers
  • Community Police
  • Registrar Service
  • Elected Members facilities

The Cube also includes:

  • Public Library
  • Theatre in Partnership with Royal and Dernegate
  • Rooftop Garden

Success Factors

Risk factors

Business/operational model

Facilities Management Strategies are currently being developed ready for implementation when the Cube opens in 20

Financing and Funding Arrangements

The Corby Cube has been funded by Corby Borough Council, East Midlands Development Agency, the Department of Communities and Local Government, the Homes and Communities Agency and Northamptonshire County Council, working together in partnership with the North Northants Development Company (NNDC).

Measurement and Monitoring

The Project Board includes all funding partners and receives regular reports on cost, programme and quality as the development progresses. Dedicated Corby Borough Council staff lead the project.

Future developments

Corby Cube is due to open to the public in November 2010.

The Cube is on the Parkland Gateway, and work with the project Partners continues to develop the overall regeneration programme in line with the masterplan.  For example, Corby Borough Council and the Royal and Derngate are forming a trust to manage the Theatre facilities and secure diverse community driven theatre.

Contact details

Peter Griggs
Corby Borough Council
Tel: 01536 464031