Acme Studios, Galleria


Project description

Opened in 2006, the Galleria Studios are 50 new-build artists' studio units in a total area of 16,000 square feet. The units are arranged over four floors (apart from four units at sub-basement level) and house 57 artists in total.

The charitable housing association Acme Artists Studios Limited leases the studios which are part of a larger development by Barratt Homes. This includes 100 residential apartments, a quarter of which were provided on an affordable housing basis.

The studios are offered as self-contained, private work spaces with no public access. However, one studio has been set aside free-of-charge for an artist-in-residence who has additional grant funding. Part of this artist's role involves engaging with the local community.

Aims and objectives

The key objective is to support fine art practice by providing artists with affordable studio and living space. There are few buildings to meet the large and growing demand for suitable low-cost space in this area.

Services offered

The project offers affordable studio and living space for artists. Acme provides a free advisory service to artists on all aspects of property negotiation, conversion and management.

Benefits of co-location

There are mutual benefits to both Barratt Housing and Acme. These include:

  • Barratt has been able to fulfil the local authority requirements through the partnership and provided Acme with 50 new studio units and affordable housing.
  • The development has provided employment on-site for the 57 artists

Success factors

This site is the first example of affordable workspace created through a planning gain partnership between an affordable studio provider, a property developer and the local authority.

Artists' studios and residential space are in close proximity to each other and work well together.

The Galleria Studios provides a successful model for future schemes.

Business/operational model

Acme Studios management team.

Financing and delivery/procurement

Funding by the Arts Council England through its Grants for the Arts capital programme helped in the purchase of a 155 year lease on the studio block from Barratt at a discounted rate.

Measurement and monitoring

Studio space tenancies are contracted-out of the Landlord and Tenant Act and rents are reviewed on the 1st April in every other year.


Living places in action

Contact details

Acme Studios
44 Copperfield Road
Bow, London E3 4RR
T: 020 8981 6811
F: 020 8983 0567


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