Spatial scales

Planning for new development, and for improvements to the existing environment, can take place across different scales, from the wide-area scale, with benefits spreading beyond local authority boundaries, to major developments and smaller developments on small sites. Developers can provide high-quality cultural and sporting facilities within strategic and large-scale developments of strategic importance, such as sustainable urban extensions and new stand-alone eco-developments or Garden Cities and Suburbs.

Developments of, for example, 5,000 new homes provide a major opportunity for individual sectors within culture, arts and sport to play to their provision strengths in a co-ordinated way.

The creation of attractive, well functioning places requires the successful use of planning tools and approaches such as masterplanning and Area Action Plans to ensure that new development:

  • matches the aspirations of the local vision;
  • delivers the needs of local and neighbourhood plans;
  • maintains and improves existing facilities and services;
  • provides new high-quality, mixed-use facilities for communities;
  • is delivered in collaboration with key culture and sport partners, who are fully involved in identifying the right mix of provision.


ATLAS Planning for Large Scale Development

Creating garden cities and suburbs today: a guide for councils, March 2013, TCPA