Planning considerations

  • Involve and harness the knowledge of local communities to harness appropriate design that is distinctive to the locality,
  • Create places for people that are well used and well loved, safe, comfortable, varied and attractive, and are clear about the extent of the public and private realms,
  • Enrich the existing places with distinctive responses that complement its setting, respect the grain of the area and acknowledge local character,
  • Being easy to access, inclusive and permeable, as well as being integrated, physically and visually, with the surroundings,
  • Work with the existing natural and man made landscapes,
  • Mix uses and forms providing stimulating, enjoyable and convenient places for a variety of demands from a range of users at different times of the day,
  • Design for change with flexibility to respond to future changes in use, lifestyle and demography in accordance with Lifetimes Homes and Neighbourhoods principles,
  • A Design and Access Statement for each application that is proportionate to and reflect the scale of the development 1.
  • Consider the benefits of undertaking a Local Design Review of a scheme.


1 Please note Government consulted on proposals to limit the requirement for DAS to major developments and the scope of its contents. The Government recently confirmed that this will be taken forward. Please see Government's response.