Planning considerations

In setting a strategic vision for the provision of arts venues and theatres, developing planning policy, taking planning decisions, or delivering/designing a facility, the following planning considerations should be taken into account:

  • Engage with and take into account the advice of The Theatres Trust as a statutory consultee, and ensure that other key stakeholders are engaged through the planning process.
  • Gather evidence to identify and understand both the role that existing provision plays within the local planning authority area and opportunities to co-operate with neighbouring authorities.
  • Undertake needs and impact assessments on proposals for the development of arts venues and theatres, in order to understand the need for facilities and new configurations of performance and production space, resources, activity areas, education facilities, and partnerships.
  • Consider the use of CIL or Section 106 planning obligations to deliver the protection, promotion and development of performing arts facilities.
  • Ensure that the design of the facilities is flexible, in order to meet the needs of diverse audiences, changing patterns of use, and the demands of different art forms.
  • Improve the sustainability and energy performance of arts venues and theatres.
  • Improve the accessibility of arts venues and theatres.
  • Ensure that sufficient consideration is given to providing facilities for the cultural wellbeing of young people and those with special needs.