Community Land Trusts

Community land trusts (CLT) work by enabling occupiers to pay for the use of buildings and services at prices they can afford, while the value of land, subsidies, planning gain and other equity benefits are permanently locked in, on behalf of them and future occupiers, by the Community Land Trust.


CLTs work on a non-profit basis, raising money from new sources and unlocking other resources. They provide and manage housing, workspace, community buildings and green spaces (including allotments). The community gets involved and sees its aspirations achieved through the community land trust.

The activities undertaken by community land trusts are various and include:

  • enabling residents on lower incomes to acquire an economic interest in the success of their community,
  • providing and maintaining community facilities for social and public services,
  • managing green spaces, conservation areas and providing access for new entrants to farming;
  • thriving, sustainable communities with a diverse array of local service provision.


You could consider setting up a community trust to deal with ongoing maintenance and revenue support for community infrastructure.

Background research and further advice

Community Land Trusts

Community Finance Solutions, Placeshaping: A toolkit for Urban Community Land Trusts, 2008

TCPA, Tomorrow Series Paper - Capturing Value, Creating Communities, 2005

TCPA, Towards Sustainable Communities: Eco-towns Community Worksheet. Advice to Promoters and Planners, 2008

Links to Case Studies

You can find more case studies about existing community land on Community Land Trust Case Studies.