Local delivery vehicles

Local Delivery Vehicles (LDVs) are public-private partnership arrangements, mostly local authority-led, for delivering significant growth and development. LDVs take different forms and all have strong representations from public and private sectors and to varying degrees from the voluntary and community sector.


The Local Government Association (2005) highlights the role and purpose of LDVs: to integrate the functions of central and local agencies, private and third sector delivery partners at local level, through formal and informal partnerships, and supported by government funding. In turn LDVs can provide direction, commitment and coherence to the delivery of large-scale social, environmental and economic improvement.

LDVs also have a variety of important roles including project management, developing infrastructure strategies and researching innovative new funding streams, such as the Housing Growth Fund and Community Infrastructure Fund.


Some LDVs have been established to build a new, vibrant city economy based on enterprise, culture, learning and commerce, such as Creative Sheffield. The form, function and complexity of LDVs vary and may have the following mandates:

  • An economic role
  • A land value capture role
  • A leadership role
  • A governance and coordination role
  • An implementation role

LDVs can work in the following development contexts:

Background research and further advice

Local Government Association (LGA), The role of local delivery vehicles in creating sustainable communitiesUrban Regeneration Companies

Links to Case Studies

You can find case studies about existing LDVs in operation at Urban Regeneration CompaniesGrowth and Renewal web pages