Funding opportunities are available from English Heritage for projects, which are sympathetic to the character and importance of the building, site or landscape.
To promote a wider appreciation of the historic environment and in most cases grants are offered on condition that a guaranteed level of public access is provided for a minimum of ten years after grant-aided work has been completed.
English Heritage has a number of different grants available depending on the type of project and purpose. Relevant grants for the development and regeneration of buildings, places and support for local authority skills capacity include:
- Repair Grants for Places of Worship: The scheme, jointly funded by English Heritage and the Heritage Lottery Fund, gives grants for urgent repairs to listed buildings which are in regular use as public places of worship.
- Historic Buildings, Monuments & Designed Landscapes:
- Capacity Building for the Voluntary Sector: The programme provides funding to national and local voluntary organisations for projects which promote the conservation, understanding and enjoyment of the historic environment.
- Local authorities can apply for funding to ensure the long term sustainable future of conservation areas through heritage based regeneration initiatives.
- Local Authority Grants to Underwrite Urgent Works Notices: This grant scheme is designed to encourage and support local authorities in the use of their statutory powers to ensure that work urgently necessary for the preservation of a vacant or partly occupied listed building is undertaken.
- Local Authority Grants for Conservation Staff: Grant to help to establish permanent specialist conservation posts in local planning authorities currently lacking them, or where provision is greatly inadequate in relation to heritage responsibilities.
- Historic Environment Enabling Programme: The Programme is the national strategic budget through which English Heritage commissions research needed for evidence-based policy.
- Significant elements of the historic environment at risk, and/ or
- Projects where there is a lack of alternative sources of funding, and/or
- Proposals seeking to strengthen the ability of the sector to manage the historic environment.
Background research and further advice
Regional Investment Funding Priorities.
Further information on application guidance, refer to Available Grants.
Links to Case Studies
You can find the following relevant case studies within the toolkit:
Examples of projects made possible from grants that English Heritage has made can be accessed at Visit Grant-Aided Properties.