Telford and Wrekin, West Midlands

Telford and Wrekin Local Development Framework Core Strategy
Adopted December 2007


Telford and Wrekin Council formally adopted the Core Strategy on the 23rd July 2008. The Core Strategy DPD addresses the key spatial development issues for the borough and provides a robust strategic planning policy framework that gives a clear understanding of how the borough will develop physically over the 10 years to 2016.

Summary of policies

Chapter 9 Strategic Development Policies
Policy CS5 District and Local Centres in Telford
Policy CS10 Community Facilities
Policy CS11 Open Space
Policy CS14 Cultural, Historic and Built Environment

Chapter 10 Implementation and Monitoring
Table 11 CS10 Community Facilities
Table 12 CS11 Open Space
Table 14 Cultural, Historic and Built Environment

Further local resources

Telford and Wrekin Council, November 2008, An Engine for Change: A new arts strategy for Telford & Wrekin

Telford and Wrekin Council, March 2008, Open Space, Sport and Recreational Facilities Study. A final report by PMP

White Young Green, December 2006, Telford & Wrekin Retail & Leisure Study 2006 -2026 produced by White Young Green

Further information

Telford and Wrekin Council