Reading, South East

Reading Borough Local Development Framework Core Strategy, Adopted January 2008


Reading Borough Council formally adopted the Core Strategy on the 29th January 2008. It forms the most important planning document in Reading's Local Development Framework. It sets out the overall planning strategy and broad principles for development in Reading.

Summary of policies

Section 4 Cross Cutting Policies
Objective 10 Protect and promote human health and well-being through healthy lifestyles and healthcare provision.
Objective 14 Value the social and cultural diversity and the local distinctiveness of communities.
Objective 15 Ensure accessible opportunities for all to engage in culture, leisure and recreational activity, particularly open space and waterspace.

Section 8 Retail, Leisure and Culture
Policy CS25 Scale and Location of Retail, Leisure and Culture Development

Section 9 Open Space and Recreation
Policy CS28 Loss of Open Space
Policy CS29 Provision of Open Space
Policy CS30 Access to Open Space

Section 11 Built and Natural Environment
Policy CS33 Protection and Enhancement of the Historic Environment

Targets, sources and indicators set out the delivery of the above policies.

Further local resources

Reading Borough Council, September 2002, Life Worth Living: A Cultural Strategy for Reading

Reading Borough Council, January 2007, Reading Borough Council LDF. Submission Draft Core Strategy Document. Community Facilities Background Paper

Reading Borough Council, November 2006, Reading Borough Council LDF. Submission Draft Core Strategy Document. Historic Environment Background Paper

Reading Borough Council, January 2007, Reading Borough Council LDF. Submission Draft Core Strategy Document. Retail and Leisure Background Paper

Reading Borough Council, September 2004, Planning Obligations under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990