Hambleton, Yorkshire and Humber

Hambleton District Local Development Framework Core Strategy
Adopted April 2007


Hambleton District Council formally adopted the Core Strategy on 3rd April 2007. The Core Strategy sets out the general spatial vision and objectives for delivery in the Local Development Framework. It plays a key part in the delivery of the council's Community Plan by setting out its spatial aspects and providing a long-term spatial vision.

The Core Strategy expresses those parts of the Community Plan that relate to the development and use of land. It outlines the council's strategy for delivering strategic development needs, including housing and employment.

Summary of policies

Section 4 Strategic Spatial Policies

Section 4.4 Maintaining Quality Environments
4.4.2 Protecting and Enhancing Natural and Man-made Assets

CP17 - Design

Annex 5 Monitoring
Table 3 Core Strategy Performance Indicators

Further local resources

Hambleton District Council, August 2006, Open Space, Sport and Recreation Study, A final report by PMP

Further information

Hambleton District Council