Stage 5: Monitoring and Review

Monitoring and review should answer the following key questions:

  • How far have policies or schemes been implemented?
  • Have policies or schemes delivered the expected or desired results and outcomes (according to the vision and objectives)?
  • If there are problems with implementation, what are the causes?
  • What lessons can be learnt for future policies or schemes?

Reporting on Planning Obligations

  • whether developers have made the agreed amount of contributions,
  • what contributions have been collected,
  • the contributions collected, and
  • value and spending of contributions for culture and sport

Reporting on Community Priorities
The annual reporting should consider whether policies or schemes have contributed to the achievement of local or multi area agreement outcomes, including:

  • health and well-being,
  • social cohesion, enabling people to be brought together, creating links between different communities, and encouraging people to feel a sense of pride and belonging in their local area, and
  • the economic impact where spaces for sports and culture make a significant economic contribution to communities.

Reporting on Delivered Schemes
In determining the success of schemes delivered, a self-evaluation should be undertaken by developers and delivery partners of the quality of the development in accordance with principles established in the Shared Vision. This is the advice of both CABE and HCA-ATLAS which the toolkit supports.   

Example: Plymouth Annual Monitoring Report 2008
Plymouth County Council is in the process of developing targets for the delivery of the cultural policies set out in their core strategy. Click here to access the AMR.

South London Gallery, Southwark
The gallery recently began expand into the derelict house next door in order to create a small-scale exhibition/project space and state-of-the-art education studio. The gallery will monitor visitor figures and  participation in education projects before and after the expansion.

Stage 1a
Champion role

Stage 1b

Stage 1c
Delivery role

Stage 2b

Stage 3a

Stage 3c

Stage 4c
Delivery priorities