c. Set priorities for delivery

A culture and sport delivery strategy for identified revenue, capital projects and programmes, should be brought together with associated costing for the area. This should set out all the information drawn together from the previous Needs and Provision Assessment stage of this toolkit with related project priorities and costs in one document. It also needs to be informed by identified project costs and funding options from the Funding section.

For capital and strategic projects, this action also needs to engage and be aligned with the corporate capital/ infrastructure planning and local development framework (LDF) processes. This should involve discussions and engagement with respective planning authorities and strategic partnerships at the local and sub-regional levels with respect to setting and delivering the objectives in the Sustainable Community Strategy, LDF and Local Area Agreements (LAAs).

Planning Advisory Service (PAS) recommends setting out the delivery strategy timescales in 5-year blocks. These blocks need to be aligned with the long term 15-year vision of the core strategy, 5-year supply of local housing provision and the 3-year LAAs.

Good infrastructure planning considers the infrastructure required to support development, costs, sources of funding, timescales for delivery, gaps in funding and responsibilities for delivery.

Therefore, the final delivery strategy should include:

  • prioritisation of cultural and sport projects and programmes,
  • identified costs,
  • identified funding sources, and
  • assignment of key responsibilities for delivery.

Example: Aylesbury Vale Infrastructure Schedule 2006-2026
Colin Buchanan, in association with Hewdon Consulting and Davis Langdon, were commissioned by Buckinghamshire County Council to undertake an infrastructure study of Aylesbury Vale in 2007. In line with the infrastructure planning requirements of Planning Policy Statement 12, Table 3.1 of this useful county infrastructure study covers needs and costs; funding sources; and responsibilities for delivery of specific forms of infrastructure. It also outlines phasing of costs over a twenty year period to 2026. Click here to access more information on the study.

Example: North Northamptonshire Programme of Development 2008
North Northamptonshire Development Company (NNDC) published its infrastructure plan to 2011 identifying delivery of the core spatial strategy, jointly produced by local authorities in the sub-region. In particular the plan identifies which key culture and sport projects will require growth area funding from DCLG.

Click here to access the document.

Click here to access detailed guidance on local infrastructure planning and delivery designed by the Planning Advisory Service (PAS).