b. Identify funding sources and delivery arrangements


In assessing the appropriateness of potential sources, key players should consider the following:

  • What is the type and nature of the scheme or programme?
  • What are the most appropriate sources for our scheme?
  • Are there other partners who can jointly share and deliver the particular facility or service?
  • How can we best utilise existing council assets and resources?
  • How can capital costs be supported?
  • How can management and operational costs be supported and sustained through revenue sources?

Further information on funding sources can be found in Sources for Funding.

Example: Redlees Studios, Isleworth
Case Studies and Examples.

Strategies for Delivering Joint Facilities and Services

Developing partnerships can help all key players achieve a desirable outcome. This can be done by sharing resources (joint provision or co-location), facilities and knowledge with other sectors, such as health and education, or simply strengthen culture and sport provision in their area or community. Key players should consider the following:

  • What type of operator do we need?
  • How much risk do we want to take?
  • Is there a capital funding gap?
  • How can revenue funding be supported?
  • How do we achieve the highest level of design and quality through cost effectiveness?

Further information on delivery arrangements can be found in Delivery Mechanisms.

Example: Wellness on Wheels, Wear Valley
In using a mobile fitness facility which travels around the District, the service aims to promote the benefits of physical activity and encourage key lifestyle changes within local communities by delivering innovative activity opportunities to isolated and socially deprived areas.

Click here to access more information on this case study. More joint provision case studies are available in the Joint Facility Provision section of the toolkit.