Stage 4: Delivery

Securing successful delivery

Delivering culture and sport interests will be most successful and sustainable if cultural and sport planning:

a.    Takes a life cycle perspective,

b.    Identifies opportunities to secure funding and delivery, including selecting the most appropriate mechanism(s) for delivery for proposals and schemes,

c.    sets out priorities for delivery in alignment with development plans and infrastructure planning process, and

d.    assesses viability and risks for respective policies and development project proposals.

Creating a robust delivery strategy or business plan for culture and sport which must be:


  • be explicit about how objectives will be delivered, when and by/with whom,
  • be realistic about capital and operating costs, available resources, benefits and timescales,
  • know the capacity and capability of partners and ensure they are signed up to the vision and objectives.


  • acknowledge changing circumstances and expectations in the social, economic, political and organisational contexts as risks and opportunities within the set timescale,
  • be prepared with possible alternative options which achieve the same objective, need or provision,

Able to be Monitored

  • be able to report on milestones,
  • confirm and justify expectations and assumptions underpinning the strategy or plan.

Stage 1a
Champion role

Stage 1c
Delivery role

Stage 3a

Stage 3b

Stage 3c

Stage 5
Monitoring and Review