b. Define a shared vision for culture and sport

The shared vision should inform the local development framework and development processes. It should reflect and provide evidence of:

  • how people in a community want to relate to each other and to their natural and built and historic environment, and how a community wants to experience its place and its culture; and
  • how to remove the barriers to, and enhance the opportunities for, participation in sporting and cultural opportunities.

For a local area, this vision for culture and sport will need to feed into the Sustainable Community Strategy (SCS) process where the SCS is not already adopted or due for an update. 

For a medium to large-scale scheme or regeneration proposal, developing a site vision for culture and sport will need to align with the SCS and feed into the overall development framework for the site.

For other standard schemes and proposals for cultural and sporting services, this vision will need to set the context and justification for delivery to serve local community priorities.

Thames Gateway South Essex, Vision for the Future 2001
This document, which set out a vision for the future of the area, identified its main priorities as improving the cultural, leisure and recreational facilities and opportunities for all in South Essex.

Click to access the document