b. Local government in a co-ordinating role.

Existing Resources and Capacity

Joined-up culture and sport planning will need greater co-ordination within council services and with local strategic partnership thematic sub-groups. It will require the assignment of responsibility for cultural development to particular council staff, including senior management.

Cultural and Sport Co-ordinator
Councils may also choose to appoint a cultural and sport co-ordinator. He/ she will need to be allocated clear lines of responsibility and accountability with dedicated terms of reference.  This role may be linked to priorities identified when defining the shared local cultural vision.

The role should include actions to:

  • review the local council skills base for culture and sport,
  • include cultural and sport development in the council budget and management plan,
  • establish and co-ordinate regional, sub-regional and local links with council departments, cultural agencies, potential key players, relevant statutory bodies and representatives of community and voluntary sector groups.

Milton Keynes South Midlands Cultural Co-ordinator

A Cultural Co-ordinator was appointed for the MKSM sub-region. This post has been jointly funded to facilitate and enable the work programme of the MKSM Culture Partnership.

Click here to access more information on this role